Happy Birthday to us!


Finally we reached September, our favorite month. And not only because the cold is coming and we have to start to think about our winter projects. 🙂

It’s our favorite month because… ?? IT’S OUR BIRTHDAY!! ?? Happy Birthday to us!

We celebrate 4 amazing years of dreams come true and all that THANKS TO YOU. We won’t get tired of repeating this and it is absolutely true, this project is ours as much as yours and we’ll always be grateful for that.

This year has been a great one, we’ve been growing and learning.

Little by little the WAK family is increasing, both inside and outside of the team. Our knitters’ community is bigger day by day and we can’t be happier!

There are many new things and surprises coming, as a result of this year’s hard work, that you’ll find out very soon. Stay tuned! 😉

Here are some interesting facts that sum up our year and that you’ll surely like.

infografia happy birthday wak

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