Free Pattern: Halloween Crochet Cat Ears


Halloween is almost here! ?? And oh how we love costumes; especially the ones that we can knit or crochet ourselves! So, for this we’ll celebrate with a free pattern, in sizes for you and the little trick-or-treater in your life.

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Halloween is a contraction of “All Hallows’ Eve”; or, the eve of “All Saints”. This festival, of Celtic origin, has been traditionally been known as a celebration of the end of the summer.

However, could you ever imagine this holiday being so special without orange, black, and brown; or even a night without candies and costumes?

Don’t miss the chance to crochet your own spooky cat ears this Halloween!. If you follow our super-easy crochet pattern, you’ll surely be the surprise among all the costumes, because, amongst other things, you’ve made yours yourself. 😉
To crochet your cat ears, we recommend using a  5mm crochet hook. In our version, we’ve used our Pima Cotton in black and grey. Which colors will you use? Do you dare to mix colors?



    1. Hi Pamela!

      You have to fill out the form and it will be available after that 🙂

      Let us know if you have any problems,

      Francesca and the WAK team

  1. I love you patterns, especially the free ones. However, I have one problem with them. When I find a pattern that I like, I download it and then copy the text and diagrams into word processing. Then the text and diagrams are printed doubled sided on 51/2 x 81/2 sheets (basically one full sheet) and then laminated double sided. That way it’s easier to haul around the patterns as I go about my day. The way you have this particular pattern printed it will take at least 4 pages to get it down plus I CANNOT copy the diagrams. It’s no big deal but it sure would be nice to have the diagrams.

    1. Hi Krissie!

      You have to fill out the form and it will be emailed to you 🙂

      Let us know if you still have problems
      -Francesca and the WAK team

  2. Pattern is not downloading for me either, although I did complete the form. Perhaps it isn’t compatible with my phone? I have been able to get .pdf files from other sources.

  3. I can’t get the cat ears pattern to download properly. Filled out the form, clicked on the cat and it said it was downloaded but when I opened it, the file was empty. I’d appreciate some help, please. And thanks for offering the pattern – can’t wait to try it.

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