Mini scarf key ring

Hi knitters!

Today we show you how to knit a Petite wool scarf with the leftovers from your WAK knitting kits
Just with a bit of your effort and time you will have a very original, handmade and cool key-chain to give away to your father, boyfriend, brother…
You only have to cast on 6 stitches in one of your WAK wooden needles, and knit 45 rows in Garter stitch… Change the color in the row you want, and intercalate colors until you have a small scarf with different stripes. Modern and colorful!
We’ve knitted our Petite wool with 5 mm needles, to squeeze the stitches and make it more resistant
For weaving in the ends, you can decorate the edges of your mini scarf with fringes. So, you have to put wool threads into the stitches with the help of the little sewing needle, as we show you in the image
There you have your miniature to enjoy or give as a gift!
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