Fall is already here!


Fall is already here! And we couldn’t be happier, because with it comes more time to dedicate to projects, to the handmade, and… Contests! And to celebrate the arrival of our favorite season, we welcome you to join us in our newest contest.

one more row - EN


What do I have to do?

Upload a picture or short video to Instagram

Use the hashtags #onemorerow and #weareknitters

Show us your best photos of your yarn stash, share with us how knitting (or crocheting!) has become your addiction; make us believe that you’re “hooked”!

How long do I have?

The final day to upload photos with the hashtags is October 31st. Don’t let it get away!

The winner will be announced on November 7th in our social networks.

What can I win?

One of three  $165 gift cards to spend at We Are Knitters

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Get inspired with our video and show us your pics on Instagram! It’s just that easy!

  1. this is so cool, perfect timing as the cooler weather sets in I want to knit more – can we enter this contest more than once? with a different pic/video? – thanks for the chance the prize is amazing & there are so many of us sharing!

    1. Yes of course!! You can enter as many times as you want (more pics = more chances to win!)

      Happy knitting!

      -Francesca and the WAK team

  2. I can soooo relate and I’ve only just begun! I can’t get enough yarn or patterns for knitting or crocheting and I’ve learned them both within this last year or so. ?

Legg att eit svar

Epostadressa di blir ikkje synleg. Påkravde felt er merka *

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