Tubular Stitch


Hi knitters!

Today we are teaching you a new stitch… the tubular stitch!

Perfect for knitting bikinis, the fingers of gloves or finishing off garments.

The first thing you have to do in order to knit this stitch is cast on an even number of stitches onto one of your wooden WAK needles.

Row 1: knit the first stitch, and now *place the thread in front of the project, slip the next stitch and then place the thread behind the project in order to knit the next stitch*

Repeat from * to * until you finish the row. You will slip the last stitch.

Knit the rest of the rows in the same way as you did in Row 1 until you reach the necessary length, cast off all the stitches and…

…Now you know a new stitch that you will be able to put into practice with your next WE ARE KNITTERS knitting kit!

More free patterns, tricks and tutorials to learn to knit coming soon!

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