September is not only a very special date for us…but also the most important month. Today is WE ARE KNITTERS 3rd anniversary! First of all, we would like to thank all knitters for their big and honest support. It would not have been possible without all of you!
During the past three years, we had very different situations and unique moments: the strong dream of achieving this great project, all the effort at the beginning, nerves on edge, the first trade shows with our kits and balls, our first board that we still have at the office, the first shootings… and a lot more.
It was not a piece of cake but we finally made it! We had a huge development and nowadays, we are able to ship around Europe, USA and South America. The knitter’s community never stops growing! WE ARE KNITTERS started with two people and grows every day. We are around 20 people from 6 different nationalities that work together every day. We are still working for this little dream that started with a ball and a pair of needles and brings happiness every day around the world