Tubular cast on of stitches


Hi knitters!

Today we are showing tubular cast on of stitches.

This technique is perfect if you want to knit a very elastic border on beanies, cuffs or other garments. When casting on stitches, you usually get a very tight space but we are going to make all these stitches softer so the border is going to be more elastic.

Follow these steps to get tubular stitches when casting on. It’s not very difficult Just have a look on the pictures and start knitting! 😉

As you can already appreciate it. You’ll have all stitches ready onto your needles to start knitting and purling in 1×1 Rib Stitch.

There are of course several ways to cast on stitches or use the tubular technique. Just choose the one that most fits your WAK garments.

For our post we have used:

15MM beechwood knitting needles

A 100% Peruvian petite wool yarn ball in moss green.

Visit our website and have a look on our wool catalogue and all our knitting kits!

We also want you to share the results with us on Instagram. Don’t forget the hashtag #weareknitters.

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